Undoubtedly, and no exception, all governments are concerned about the extent of infection and the rate of virus deaths.
Of course, JA is no exception. In addition to the President, organizations
Informing of any kind and the mayors and governors --- health officials and even shrouds
And burying and summarizing all those involved and the leaders of the communities are lying. If Probably Me
I didn't write the post and know that they are lying too ......... but
Now let's broaden our thinking and imagination. Above the safe house --- above the neighborhood and
City, province, country, and even our own continent --- let's think global. Give me the result of thinking
And I do not reflect my imagination here. You Think On
The global level and the likely outcome you have are yours. I'm cheering for
I'm thinking
So I suggest some of the following for a more coherent and easier way of thinking
Now after the epidemic, the patient is gone. People who understand the rulers of government
They have lied about virus issues and how they will react
Several political, social and governmental structures collapse due to lack of transparency
What will be the task of the new politicians and the type of social action then
Note that you have gone through a crisis. Your reaction to events
What the past can be.
How will the world economy cycle? Can we get through the terrible crashes of economies?
Can we, after the crisis, give governments a bit of a right to be forced to lie?
have been.
Do we now have the necessary information about anthropology — epidemiology and economic sociology
We have enough security to make a better offer.
Do we really know if the painful and horrifying truths of uncensored illness spread in society?
What are the challenges facing the community?
Again, please think of the world. I have nothing to do with JA for now.
Disease crisis spreading if obstruction of agriculture and food industry results in closure
You have thought
How can we produce food, medicine, and living things for people by undoing the crisis?
Do we face a global and terrible famine?
Frontline Health Soldiers are currently the world's health cadre. But soon
We will find that we have to send other people to the front, and they are farmers
And they are producers of food and agriculture.
In your opinion, if we think of the world as food for billions of people who hope and need life
Foods are more essential and vital, or are assumed to produce dozens of foods
Community security is currently based on strict hygiene but is soon threatened by scarcity
So does the raw material. So what is the way in which community leaders can control and delay this inevitable outcome?
How other security needs of society and how to maintain social control processes
Note --- Law enforcement and security personnel are no longer immune to the virus
Imagine for a moment the lack of such forces for whatever reason. Are you able to defend
Against thieves-rioters and looters who face severe food shortages
The politicians and leaders of our own society if they read this post do they really care about these issues
Have arrived and are they thinking.
The turmoil caused by the global famine is not just for governments.
A home where you live in comfort and security now and never shy
You won't have.
Isn't it necessary to maintain this fragile security and provide the necessary infrastructure for community security?
To maintain the psychological dimension of psychological security by adopting delays in declaring disaster.
Please, if you think about it and get a global response, remember the result and
Wherever you may be, think about keeping your people and your family safe
Think a little more --- Think a little more than most
Your thinking is of no benefit to me, but please consider the results of your thinking
The world will soon need more people on the battlefield to fight the effects of the virus
Offer to the world