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So you saw that we are never in the crowd (of others). Of course, they are not present in (others) (others), so we are We are all really the same (others) as we are at different times We think of (others) out of line and have tried so far We have taken care not to make mistakes in the queue (Others) to be. In creating this situation of the country and Expenses and disorders (others) of other countries one hundred Percent are to blame and these (others) are in all sorts The black market sells counterfeit drugs and goods to (others) And cause others all kinds of troubles We like that it is very different from (others) and absolutely It is not like (others) and friend (others), for example, every time we To a scarce medicine or anything else needed We need this friend of ours, may God have mercy on his father It satisfies our needs through (others) (Others) are deprived of having such friends And they condemn (others) for not underestimating. It is not clear why friend and foe shout They are beheading (others) and in no meeting or conversation Absolutely do not respect (others) and for (others) They do not believe in rights. (Others) at the same time convicted and responsible Misery (others) and indefensibility and hatred It's strangely lucky. It's (others) that Bring luck and our child is accepted in the entrance exam (Others) and the child (others) does not arrive or presumably (others) Owned a plot of land in Torquzabad that (others) They did not think it was worth it. But by chance (others) suddenly The lands of (others) skyrocketed and now (Others) do not eat faluda with the king. Or if (others) Do not throw money at the pockets of Arabs (others) out of poverty and Fiqhs are saved Field in the country (others) The situation of the people is very good and favorable and someone It has nothing to do with (others) all working their own way It is warm and (others) are comfortable with them Development so that (others) do not observe this issue Does not occur. Take turns at every opportunity I guide (others) but you think (others) Do not listen to the manufacturer's advice (Others) do not pay attention and expect the situation May the country be good. To (others) lead a healthy life Do not learn from (others) advanced causes destruction and They (others) also fall behind. I also do not know why Until (others) reach us, their heartache opens And one of them (others) complains and slanders Sometimes surprised by the way (others) behave and judge And does not know why (others) have their feet They do not take it out of (others') shoes Our values, meters and criteria are correct, of course, if (Others) let us comment. But witness We are (others) with meters and criteria They judge the multiplicity and taste (of others).
Read more And, as usual, treats (others) badly If a social and moral norm is raised, people immediately turn to it (Others) point and make the performance conditional on the performance of all (others) And they say yes, the problem will not be solved until (others) do not comply. To the side Do not abuse (others). He will answer if (others) use us What did they abuse? (Others) God's servants because of their lack of language and habit Always to be condemned to (others) very light and free and released Everyone stands up to judge him - to condemn - to destroy him. Suppose in one The session is about the evil of wealth and the rich who suddenly step on (others) It comes and goes, if (others) can get rich the same way And in a meeting there is talk of helping the poor, and here (others) need help To eradicate poverty. Children (others) are always addicted to addiction And they are soaring about the sexual acts of these (others) He is evil and oppressive and always misleads his sister and mother (others) If cigarettes and alcohol were not given to young people (others), young people (others) He was healthy now --- in other cases, he (others) was very jealous and narrow-minded Is and can not tolerate the success of our children and therefore with (others) from We gossip and, more importantly, (others) are really annoying at times Prosperity, comfort, prosperity and victory are ours and they are constantly (others) against us Shurandan Only if (others) unite and unite and go demonstrations can we Let's get to freedom even though (others) do not deserve freedom and again a new bubble They stitch. Indeed, if (others) understand how much at the time of purchase They wear hats, they must gather their attention when buying so that (others) Do not cover their heads. Unless these (others) indiscriminately throw garbage in the streets The city becomes a bunch of flowers, see (others) in other (other) countries how clean are. Do you even know what God loves (others) so much in countries (Other) were born continues
I am proud that in this article several legal entities that Apparently they are very real, let me introduce you. Of course, I will name all these characters, but after It only has one character as a representative of the characters I choose and I write about it. It is clear Which can be replaced by any of these characters Counted and knew the representative but I to avoid I will continue the issue with the name of one Now the names of legal entities that are very real Are called people ---- others --- them --- others --- them --- Here they are - some - some and those on the other - better than us - What can I say, Vala - themselves - can not say and the like - I have chosen ((others)) from among these names and I introduce and behaviors towards this character I show so instead of all the above names ((others)) Was chosen to convey the meaning of the concept ((Others)) is a prominent and acceptable character That never with a talking person in one place and sentence with They do not fit together ... that is, this is the first person Speaks and. Easily (others) from himself Separately knows - suppose talking about bad driving and It is awkward for the speaker to just drive (others) He deserves your criticism and, of course, the listeners Also so as not to fall behind the speaker (others) themselves Raise this (others) in discussions and conversations There is always a bad side and a loser, and if so Coincidence of one (the other) with the opposite but true view The speaker spoke immediately and without hesitation addressed himself Thrown right
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any type Accompanying the government and carrying out government work Be sanctioned for human reasons and work instead Let the private sector be able to do this Be instrumental and useful and be somehow planned That the livelihood of the masses is difficult Do not face that of course it is very difficult and That is why thinkers and thinkers should Find a way in this direction. another one of Things to be right about Take action .Study is about youth Believe and accept and act that from Cultural events provided by the government They can not welcome and use, for example, to know that Any concert ticket for a singer Buying means a brick to the wall They have added censorship, although the publication of the book It is facing a crisis right now. But society To a place that will never be ruled by books again Don't buy and book publishing is really in crisis From virtual sites and channels in connection with Do not use the government and .... It is clear that achieving these programs is necessary Provide accurate and correct solutions, God willing Scientists and thinkers volunteer and coordinate They will take the trouble to edit and present it. In general, my view is that we have entered society A calm but firm and motivated protest Opposites to raise the level of knowledge and culture and Patience and upgrade the level of responsibility Use the right work culture and work conscience Promote healthy in the community
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