Archives آرشیو

This blog is the archive of my old blog - I am recently publishing articles in English translation

Archives آرشیو

This blog is the archive of my old blog - I am recently publishing articles in English translation

very slow

Very calm — very stylish and very natural
In November 1998 for the struggle of the people for freedom and possession
He demanded many legal rights that he was deprived of
Economic and in other words to fight for life and survival
It is interesting and remarkable that none of
Writers and thinkers and communities and whatever and whoever
They did not realize this deadly plan of the system and during these eight months
No trace of understanding this issue in any of the media
Does not exist. When I was out we needed to
We have knowledge, we need thinking, and we must become knowledgeable
Such movements were --- the nation does not have much
If you think, take to the streets and chant and protest
Doing something will take you until the Day of Judgment
An example is the change in the slogan's approach to freedom and rights
Social to an economic demand and protest.
Do you realize the great and terrible fall of your desires?
A regime that has both money and weapons and thinkers
Who are looking for money the official is in possession of can not with
He tied a few fists and chanted harshly and slowly
Let's throw. You have not understood the depth of your suffering and that of the nation
And you do not agree that on the chess page of politics and society and
It is the economy and the slogan of this Iranian nation that is the loser
There is no way unless the nation becomes a scientist
Guide the thinkers of the nation. Understand this simple issue
That regime that came to power with fists and the floor of the street
Fists and slogans and the street floor do not disappear. Slogan and floor
Street and send failures to the global media to
They will not win. The hope of those who think
The system is weakening and provoking the people
Their work will not work. And incidentally after a few moves
The failure of the militant and young spirits is frustrated and devastated
They fall and a new case is issued with the death sentence
Closed street movements. If you want to live
If you want to grow, if you do not want this system, you must
Embrace this hardship and make yourself
The nation must grow in all fields and become so wise and capable
That the ignorant and incapable can not breathe in the atmosphere of their society
Kill --- Beware of the arrogant and the oppressors and the ignorant able
Do not breathe, do not fall. Be careful they can not
Breathe and this is the only way to progress and freedom and liberation of the nation
Iran is another way, even if it takes a hundred years
Does not exist
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