You need to practice in small and sometimes banal ways
To train our minds. Human affairs are better at
Keep your mind and mind healthy and don't use your mind until it's necessary
If we like to use our minds and experiences
Try to remember all the positive and negative experiences and considerations
Decide on all sides. It's better than scared
Try to decide on something by encouraging us and ourselves
Considering the Benefits of Making the Right Decision Prisoner of Mind
To run away from ourselves is good, sometimes not at all
And to win and succeed in decontamination,
Start your workout by eating
Eating Don't think where and when to eat this dish before
You ate and that food was better or worse and .....
This exercise can be successful if it is continued
And it doesn't hurt if you can succeed in this
Memories of places and entertainment, clothing and other programs
Clear the day of death, too. Remember the memories
Don't seek refuge so that you can take full account of your current situation
Decide. Don't worry too much about your mind
Suppose we walk - know and read and write
We know that we can bike without remembering
To drive or to drive
Don't forget the command of your thinking
Thinking is about finding a way to live
More useful, and of course this way does not cross your past
It can be a logical continuation of your past as if to the necessities of life
In the future, be mindful of yourself and continue to be fruitless
So think about the mind as much as you think it should
Don't overdo it. Many factors at present
Our lives are like books and computer memory and so on
They can greatly expand our circle of information
Use all the possibilities now to enter a healthy future
We are indispensable
Mr. N
It is not about the present, but the moment of decision