Archives    آرشیو

Archives آرشیو

This blog is the archive of my old blog - I am recently publishing articles in English translation
Archives    آرشیو

Archives آرشیو

This blog is the archive of my old blog - I am recently publishing articles in English translation


We have to think about how kind and kind we are to ourselves

We have been responsible for the health of our only asset, that is

We respect our bodies. Do we eat the foods and foods we eat?

We thought. Think about how much and how often

We have pushed ourselves. To our tiredness

Think. Ask yourself baby why we welcome the risk

We're going. Think of ourselves and see if we can figure it out

And let's move on and reconcile our thinking. Think of the body

How effective we can be in our successes. Come to think of it

Learn to be true to ourselves. To our parents

Think and really ask ourselves if we liked that

We were born to this father and mother. Immediately the same question

Ask your child on your own whether our children can

Be happy that they were created by us.

Think about what courage and intelligence we can get at this speed

About the big and small issues of ourselves and the world around us

Let's decide. Think about it maybe

We can not disturb ourselves and others. Think of that

Judging is easy, and it can be done by any lunar granny

So let's leave the judgment to others.

Our body has a precious loan in our hands, so it should be about

We take great care in maintaining this loan. skin and hair

And consider our beauty important to the small body marks that maybe

The prognosis of a disease is careful. Middle Ages

Have an annual check-in life and in times of conflict

Mental and even minor it immediately refer to the specialist

do. If we smoke, think about it a lot. Personally

I've been a smoker for 26 years. I thought long and understood the will

No role in quitting smoking and continuing to quit

We have become a smoker and will not have much use for emotions
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