Archives    آرشیو

Archives آرشیو

This blog is the archive of my old blog - I am recently publishing articles in English translation
Archives    آرشیو

Archives آرشیو

This blog is the archive of my old blog - I am recently publishing articles in English translation


It doesn't matter how old we are, but more importantly it means

We are equal to the whole world for the rest of our lives. that's mean

As long as my death is likely to kill a baby in a few minutes

So it may be. So we face life's most terrifying factor

Death is equal to one another. But if we give in to thoughts about it

To die and worry about the world without ourselves is no fruit

We have to think and decide the moments of life from the black palate

To pull death means the opportunity to live even one second

And to truly live all the moments of life

We need real vigilance. Don't neglect death and watch out

Be your own life. At appropriate times to primary and secondary school

And think about your college, sometimes like that

Take a look at your photos and the thoughts of the time in your brain

Recover and think again like those days. (without any

Judging) the differences in how you think today with those days

pay attention. Involved in feelings of friendship and romance

Don't go on those days. Try your constructive thoughts and planning

Successfully remember those days. To your relationships with the Vogel and the garden

And think pots. To your actual position and your presence in the rank

Think about it and see if you can have your true place in the world

Identify the debt. Because you couldn't occupy a higher position

Pay attention or because your position is higher than planned

Find your previous one. If you have a higher Shaker status, do it yourself

Be friendly and watch your work in the world. If in the process of thinking

Angry and frustrated about negative things about yourself

Don't look for the culprit and introduce it yourself. Their weaknesses and

Don't make your world bigger than it really is. Maybe at the station

You changed the bus badly and you waited according to your opinion

Check yourself at the scheduled station to notice the changes around you

There are several factors that have contributed to this, or somehow

Get there. Note that there is still a station

And it is mandatory to change the bus. Be careful at the station

Don't be left out of the rage and skepticism and intellectualism of the left. Never try

Don't tolerate your friends. All of them are a chance for you

So that you can discover different degrees of love in yourself

Kenny. So love them all

Personally, at this time with my bus companions

I continue to travel. I'm so happy. Don't like yourself

Love yourself, of course, without your fascination. This asset (body and soul)

Only when alive is it possible to appreciate and enjoy it

Do not waste anything or anything on consumption.
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