In my opinion, a human being cannot exist without belief and even bias
Be alive in your beliefs. Every human being must have a belief
My point is that you have as much time as possible to trim
And think and refine your beliefs
Test. If the level of your belief is the same as the level of your belief in the year
There is a problem here. Many people's beliefs
It's important to always think about upgrading it
Let's think and understand that we have to believe in our own beliefs
And awareness of this is always sought after by the growth and excellence of the faith
Be ourselves. Also, think so that we can reach the beliefs of others
We have nothing to do at all. Respect the opinions of others
I do not recommend it
Is personal and no one has the right to intervene or comment on it
Does not have the opinions of others. Thinking about your beliefs and growth and excellence
Opinions We can display good behavior to others
If we can, based on our beliefs
Conduct appropriate behavior in relation to that belief. Like
We will be a blazing torch to our companions
Offensive and violent methods of changing the opinion of others
It is not instrumental and more likely to be disgusting
True believers are self-believing in behavioral thinking
They also find that belief. On the idea, somebody owes
There is no other, and opposing opinions can sometimes be an opportunity
To make us believe in both, that is, our own
And think of our opposite beliefs
But it is possible to have the right materials to think properly
We lack awareness of our beliefs if we die
It is easy for you to believe, so think about it
But it can also be a tool for measuring beliefs
I'll deliver
We've had several times over the last year because of one
Our beliefs are short
Over the past year, we have acted contrary to our beliefs several times
We are Kurdish
Over the past year, we have made a material profit on our beliefs several times
Several times in the past year in connection with our belief in material loss
We have seen
Last year we gave a few lecture sessions about our beliefs
We've gone or left a meeting