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Tactics ruining the thinking of the rulers as usual
Performed by showing the flaws and black dots
It does not work because they think in this way
And sympathizers and thinkers grieve unnecessarily
And the supporters of the government if they are not happy and ask
Do not destroy your opponents must be wide
I have the power to understand such issues and touch the pain
They do not, so I suggest thinking people against
Any way and method that the government offers
Find better, more appropriate and more practical
Offer and remind at the end of the plan
The size and height of the rulers to such a plan
And thought and thought does not reach and direct them
Humiliate intellectual disability. Only we can with
Provide great designs and programs that express
Freedom of thought is our victory
Find .. Find a design defect
Government and showing it means that
We have accepted the leadership of society by the government
But we criticize it, while it is necessary
Tolerate the government and accept it from the most secret
Let's get out of the corners of our minds and thoughts and
Our normal thinking is to push back the government
Be against thought and freedom and thought